Young people of the world towards the revival to al-Qaeda - terrorism -

The United States Why wanted the war with Iraq?

Young people of the world towards the revival to al-Qaeda - terrorism - [Bush administration, why he wanted the war with Iraq as ardent as any, it may not be able to permanently know exactly -] prominent US economist Paul Krugman wrote in a recent book. Really, I wonder true. The death toll of the Iraq war, the dead is said to have reached the 0 to 00,000 people. It should be noted that 0 years time, IDPs 00 million people. It is outside the country ran away is 1:00 million people. About the war that has issued this much of the damage, the reason is not known forever, there is no should say if there is the fact that such. [War on terror] The Bush administration had pointed out the war before, Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda of cooperation. However, I 0 years, and visit the mountainous areas of the Kurdish region that there is an al-Qaeda base, they had fought with the Hussein regime was taught that it is common sense in the field. Mr. Bush also Rumsfeld said also, the media is 0 years at the time that does not Chikayore entirely to local, seems to have been Kimetsuke and without permission [are united front] that refers to it.