Young people of the world towards the revival to al-Qaeda - terrorism -

Anti-terrorism war and peace

Young people of the world towards the revival to al-Qaeda - terrorism - War in Afghanistan In response to the US terrorist attacks of 00 date Began from next month [war on terror] is, just after the outbreak of war The week, Tari, which has been effective control Afghanistan Driving out the van regime, Osama bin Laden, led by country When given a fatal blow to terrorist organization al-Qaeda. More terrorism is a crime, merely international as crime But was also seen in some opinion that shalt judge in a court of law, Argument of bin Laden that has been the mastermind of the terrorist attacks Me, I refused the Taliban regime because of lack of evidence From that, the international community recognized that [war Yamunashi], Than it was to cooperate with the United States. War on terror in this way began in Afghanistan Today It should be noted that many countries send troops in, but are cooperating, US President George W.